The Honeoye United Church of Christ provides several educational opportunities.
Youth Program
Sunday Mornings, after the Young Christians’ talk.
We recognize that as parents we won’t always be able to guide our children as they grow to face this challenging world. We also recognize that forming a relationship with God will bring strength and comfort to them in times of instability. However, like any relationship our connection with God does not happen overnight. Learning to recognize God’s love in the world around them takes time and “practice”. Each week our classes explore foundational scripture, then learn to relate it to their lives. Our high school class includes a vibrant group of teenagers who explore and challenge each other as their faith journeys begin to unfold. Come by any Sunday and stop in.

Fingers Lake Forest Church
Connecting with God and with one another through participation with Nature.
Come dressed for the outdoors. Events take place rain or shine and last approximately 1 hour. Forest Church is family oriented and children are welcome. Snacks and socializing follow each gathering.
For more information, email or check out Finger Lakes Forest Church on Facebook.