

The choir at Honeoye UCC sings for worship services September through June. We rehearse on Sunday morning 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. before worship. We sing a variety of music; classical, folk, jazz, gospel, traditional, contemporary – all reflecting the “sacred” in life and/or offering ideas for reflection about God and love and our own humanness. We feel this variety helps us reach all people in our congregation at some point. It is also a challenge for us. Our choir is a very dynamic group. We strive to do well, work hard, and are supportive of each other. We take our music and our ministry in the church seriously, yet, we have a lot of fun when we’re together. We think of ourselves as always learning and trying to improve; but we aren’t afraid to become vulnerable as performers.

Included in the choir are many who enjoy doing solo work or singing in small groups. We also have several instrumentalists who accompany us and also perform on their own. This all adds to the variety that we are able to offer.

We are blessed! But we welcome with open arms (sometimes hugs and kisses, too) anyone who wants to sing with us. We have added another row of chairs – there’s lots of room. If you don’t read music, that’s OK. You will have plenty of help. And if you can’t make the commitment for all rehearsals and Sunday services, that’s fine, too. If you’re interested in joining us, please see the music director in church.

Adult Handbells

Our church purchased three octaves of English handbells with memorial Fund monies in September 1986 and 2 more octaves again in 2006. Since the beginning, handbells have become involved in our music program for the first time. We belong to the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers.

The goals of our program are:

  • To add Handbell music to our worship services.
  • To perform for other groups and organizations in Honeoye and surrounding communities.
  • To learn to play the handbells well.
  • To promote the fun and fellowship that a group music program can provide.
  • To provide a program that will increase the self-esteem of its participants.

The choirs participate in the worship service as well as perform for local groups and nursing homes. Contact the music director if you are interested in playing or you would like one of the choirs to play at a function.

Children’s Choir

Our Children’s Choir is comprised of school aged children in our congregation. During the school year from September to May, the children’s choir meets in the Dining Hall to rehearse on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am-9:45 am. Besides performing at our church, the children have also performed in the community, including Granger Homestead in Canandaigua. This is a great opportunity for the musically inclined. Please contact the music director if you are interested or for more information.